Key Dates

Please note all of the below dates and times are in Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10).



Add to Calendar
Abstract submissions openMid November 2023  - CLOSED
Registration opensEarly December 2023
Abstract submissions close
5pm Friday 16 February 2024
Extended to 5pm Friday 23 February 2024! - CLOSED
Abstract submission deadline
Notification to authorsMonday 15 April 2024  - SENT
Late breaking abstract submissions closeFriday 19 April 2024  - CLOSED
Early bird registration deadline
Author acceptance and registration deadline5pm Friday 26 April 2024  - CLOSED
Author acceptance and registration deadline
Notification to authors for late breaking abstract submissionsMonday 13 May 2024  - SENT
Notification to authors of late breaking abstract submissions
Early bird registration closes5pm Friday 17 May 2024 
Extended to 5pm Friday 24 May 2024! - CLOSED
Early bird registration deadline
Late breaking abstract author acceptance and registration deadlineFriday 7 June 2024
Early bird registration deadline
Viruses of Microbes 2024 Meeting
15 -19 July 2024

The Viruses of Microbes 2024 Meeting is proudly hosted by

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